Yes, Yay, Yever

Season 01 Episode 28

Yes, Yay, Yever

We venture off the beaten path with a musical intro straight from the lap of the Emerald Isle. ♫ Kick back with a cup of tea (or whatever activity you engage in while listening to podcasts) and enjoy:

-Story time from the judicial chambers of Kenya
-Listening to Swinky say laudable when she means laughable
-A discussion on the medical terms used to refer to uteruses in bodies that are over 35 years old
-War on Crickets update from the warfront
-Noteworthy! Pyuu continues his script unabated!
-Local news from Glendale (Pyuu saw coyotes?!?)
-Movie reviewvie! This week it’s The Trial of the Chicago 7, Moneyball and Steve Jobs. It’s an Aaron Sorkin kind of week.

All this and more on the DoodleCast!

LENGTH: 01:16:30

Swinky can be found online at and @swinkymusic on the major platforms.
Pyuu can be found online at

JJ Koester

Artist and filmmaker operating in the greater global area.