As The Squirrels Turn

Season 01 Episode 27
As The Squirrels Turn

Pyuu may be the silly goose of Los Angeles, but humble bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger is the silly goose of California. (You need only watch some of his YouTube videos to witness his goofiness. ☺️)

Join us and enjoy:
-Commentopia, where Swinky reads a comment from the people of the Internets. Pyuu “translates” if the comment isn’t in English.
-Kiss My Aunt Swinky Says, where Swinky gives expert advice (Live and do. Yeah!)
-News from the frontline in the War on Crickets
-A eulogy for the cornbread muffins that were gone too soon
-Spooky review-ky! It is Halloween month, after all. I’m Thinking of Ending Things, Hereditary and Great Expectations! Get your fill of Halloween puns today!

Thank you for tuning in!

Swinky can be found online at and @swinkymusic on the major platforms.
Pyuu can be found online at

JJ Koester

Artist and filmmaker operating in the greater global area.