Waiting for Pancakes and a Naughty Collaboration

Season 1 Episode 04
Waiting for Pancakes and a Naughty Collaboration

Breaking News From Sunny Glendale! It's been another week of sequester but that doesn't mean there's no news! There's always news at Swinky News Network. Our top headlines this week are...
- A Naughty Party Goes... RIGHT!
- Midgar Beautiful This Time Of Year
- The Historic Debut of The 4th Tier 
- A Communique... From Kenya?!?
All the news fit to discuss discussed, we move over to The Punching Bag and then introduce a new segment. Hear ye! Hear ye! It's time for Swinky's Decree!
Thank you for tuning in! Comments are always and only welcome!

LENGTH: 00:21:17

Swinky can be found online at www.swinkymusic.com and @swinkymusic on the major platforms.
Pyuu can be found online at www.thayuphoto.com and @jjkoester on Instagram and pretty much only Instagram.