Season 1 Episode 03
Swinky Throws a Mask Away
Breaking news from Sunny Glendale! We'd stop the presses but they're already stationary. Our three big stories this week are
- RAIN! In Glendale!
- Swinky Throws Away A Mask
- And, A Mouse... Who Fears No Danger?!?
News covered, we do a new edition of The Punching Bag, a segment where Swinky takes names and chews bubble gum. And, wouldn't you know it, she quit chewing bubble gum for Easter.
As always, thank you for tuning in! Comments are always warmly welcomed!
LENGTH: 00:15:57
Swinky can be found online at and @swinkymusic on the major platforms.
Pyuu can be found online at and @jjkoester on Instagram and pretty much only Instagram.