Insurrection In The Glendale Theatre

Season 01 Episode 33
Insurrection In The Glendale Theatre

We jump right into it this week! Pyuu starts us off with a Kiss My Aunt Swinky Says, where Swinky is forced to reveal her vices. Oh my! There’s more!

-We talk about the alcohol abuse of our use and the ensuing embarrassment
-Jerry has a new friend!❤︎
-President Swinky reaches out a hand of friendship to Field Commander Pyuu, despite his attempts at a coup
-More pitches! Pyuu is full of script ideas in Noteworthy
-Pyuu reads one of his masterpiece poems titled “The Worst of Me”
-In the news, Swinky and Pyuu talk picnics, baby and lethal palm fronds falling from the sky
-Movie Revievie: We talk about A Stupid and Futile Gesture, Marriage Story and Almodovar’s Habla Con Ella (Talk to Her)

Join us for all the silly happy. ♫

LENGTH: 01:22:31

Swinky can be found online at and @swinkymusic on the major platforms.
Pyuu can be found online at

JJ Koester

Artist and filmmaker operating in the greater global area.