The Sickest Beats & Rhymes

Season 01 Episode 37
The Sickest Beats & Rhymes

It’s a new year! We’re still here! We start off 2021 with gratitude for life and … for you! Thank you for tuning into our world and sharing our Internet lives with us. In this episode:

-Fans advise Swinky on how to get more traffic (We’re old! We don’t know!)
-We hear confessions of bad behaviour in Swinky’s Naughty Lil Corner
-How do you deal with a pregnant partner who only talks about the pregnancy? Find the answers in Kiss My Aunt Swinky Says!!
-Swinky delivers local household and Glendale news (Pyuu has something to say about pot roast.)
-Rick Moranis is the most unlikely leading man in Movie Revievie, and Jeff Bridges is the StarMAAAAN! Opinions abound!! (Also, Return to Oz puts Swinky to sleep but Pyuu feasts his eyes on the incredible art!)

Enjoy the lighthearted chatter ushering in 2021, and we’ll see you on the next one!!

LENGTH: 01:01:33

Swinky can be found online at and @swinkymusic on the major platforms.
Pyuu can be found online at

JJ Koester

Artist and filmmaker operating in the greater global area.