Bam And You’re Welcome

Season 01 Episode 22

Bam and You’re Welcome

The days of Swinky taking Pyuu’s insults while lying down are over! At least in this episode.

We cover a range of topics, including:

-Pyuu’s writing work-in-progress (He renamed it!)
-Swinky’s first encounter with a human being since March
-Swinky’s FIRST driving lesson in the wilderness
-Movie Revievie, where the pair summarise movies watched in the past week
-Pyuu’s comments that make Swinky’s blood boil!!

LENGTH: 00:57:51

Swinky can be found online at and @swinkymusic on the major platforms.
Pyuu can be found online at and @jjkoester on Instagram and pretty much only Instagram.

JJ Koester

Artist and filmmaker operating in the greater global area.