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Sunday Afternoon Party at C-Lounge Ochanomizu

  • 東京都千代田区内神田1-15-10-B1 (map)

Let's dance!
There will be DJs, visual artists, bands, short films and all sorts of performers at this underground club event organised by NeverSeparate:Tokyo. And we'll be rounding out the day's performances!

WHO'S WE: Raphael Scinia (Guitar), Oshunshun (Bass), Swinky (Vocals) and for the first time, live with Swinky, David Jimenez!! He's the one who made the track for Mkokoteni and Moment in Time (on my Chrysalis EP. Buy it!) He'll be playing mad tracks and I'll be singing and dancing because that's all you can do when there's good music playing. Wooo!!

LINKS: For information and reservations♫
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WHERE: 東京都千代田区内神田1-15-10-B1
Tokyo-to, Chiyoda-ku, Uchi Kanda 1-15-10 B1

Door : 3500 円/ 1 drink , 1 food item
Advance : 3000円⇒参加押下にてディスカウントです

東京都千代田区内神田1-15-10 B1F

□ JR各線「神田」駅西口から徒歩7分